Woven Textiles
Stainless steel figurative silhouettes mounted on 3 painted glass panels, with tile and concrete public seating.
A three section woven wall sculpture commission with numerous color, line, and texture changes. Four layers are woven independently and cut acrylic inserts are placed in the bottom pockets for stability and the top layer is woven longer, so that it can be pushed back against bottom and raised in soft, dimensional folds. There is great variety in the dark/light color changes, with many linear changes in width and repetition.
Nine-section wall relief where in an open weave, painted acrylic panels with a wide assortment of painted graphic images are inserted into the woven pockets and locked into place with woven bands of wool. The overall effect creates a silent language of visual communication.
Two weavings showing small loom controlled wool blocks of dark, light, and mix with advancing/receding shapes giving optical movement. There are painted horizontal dividing lines separating panels with position and color changes of loom woven motifs. Second image has a similar pattern configuration as the previous two, but with vertical separating lines and a different color range. Each of these weavings can be sold separately at $800.
A complex woven relief with four layers woven independently, two for top layer and two for bottom layer, with cut acrylic shapes inserted into woven pockets. The top layer is woven longer than bottom layer and pushed back against bottom layer to get raised, dimensional folds.
A folded, double woven weaving showing painted, elliptical shapes in various scale changes. A second image showing the two sections arranged as a Diptych.
A four block black/white wool double weave showing hexagons in various sizes, some are with simple painted hexagon outlines, while others are painted 3D illusions resembling metallic box shapes. Some of these have top entry boxes, while others have opposing front entry positions . There is a large center hexagon showing dk./lt. reversal lines creating optical vibrations.
Folded, double woven cotton/rayon relief with internal acrylic supports mounted on suspension brackets.
A two section wall sculpture mounted on steel suspension brackets
A pattern weaving displaying various geometrical figures moving through color and shape changes in a play of graphic dualities.
Stars with vibrating rays evolving through various color and size changes, giving a sense of luminous transformations. There are also circles going through size changes with connecting rays of light.
Diamonds connecting point to point on circular backgrounds separated by three panels of 16 harness loom controlled pattern motifs, and each of the panels has a different woven pattern variation.
A four section metallic twill sculpture mounted on wood backings, and showing a variety of painted birds and an array of painted geometrical figures.
Each section with interconnected steel puzzle shapes, painted in cool colors interior and warm colors exterior.
Three section painted steel winged sculpture, showing dimension and color change, mounted on horizontal suspension rods
A double weave, where two layers are woven independently and in the open pocket between the two, cut acrylic shapes are inserted for stability when folded .
Now, in new location in West Jordon, a five section wool weaving, with each on 5 different floors. The picture shown is in one long, vertical section at the first location at the Third District court in Sandy, Utah
A folded triple weave with two half circles containing painted aluminum spokes separated by a blue curvilinear woven band containing bronze metal yarn half circles.
Six suspended groupings of silver prisms in various lengths along length of Union Bldg. each with painted and clear acrylic panels with chromatic changing mylar strips.
A five section mixed media wall sculpture with painted 3D illusions, woven rayon panels, silver leaf inserts, a corner panel with a cotton optically woven pattern and all mounted on a painted wood backing .
A five block pattern weave with a dark blue/ warm color reversal in size and outlines at a center dividing line, witha ring size and number change.
Fabric paint on metallic twill weave depicting similar Moorish patterns found in the Alhambra, Spain
A folded, four section wall relief, mounted to a painted canvas backing with a copper, metal mesh surface.
A weaving suggesting flowing water with orange painted strips surrounding blue/green swimming water creatures, and including other elliptical shaped swimming forms.
I cut templates to mark patterns on the woven cloth, paint surfaces with various metallic paints and laminate painted metallic discs to the woven surface. I make the discs by pouring a mix of Plaster of Paris and water into molds, remove after dry, then sand and paint the discs with metallic paint.
A painted twill weaving with elliptical shaped forms in a chromatic progression of hues.
A wool twill tapestry depicting organically moving images connecting one panel to the next, with colors and shapes revolving/evolving around each other in implied circular shapes
A five block weave showing a dark blue elliptical shape, in a lighter orange/ yellow background band, as the first light of day, thus the title, Eoanthropus, The Dawn Man . Pattern blocks, on top and bottom of the weaving, shift the five block motif into different positions and color..
A fan shaped metallic, double woven wall relief, with top half section in deep gold, brown and blue metallic yarns and bottom half section in deep blues with warm centered pattern band. Cut acrylic shapes inserted into double woven pockets for stability.
A wide variety of flying birds, painted with various surface design techniques such as dark/light color shading, chromatic warm/cool alternations, and raised points of color.The migrating flying birds all moving in oppoisite directions, with wings moving up and down, giving a visual illusion movement.
I’ve done 6 myth weavings. I like the fantasy of the images.This one, the Flying Horse, is fabric paint on cotton double weave, which has 2 layers woven independently and folded. I like the vibrant painted yellow horse against the diagonal stripes and the dark/light woven reversals, top and bottom.
A warm painted cotton Unicorn against blue painted diagonal stripes and folded blue wool bands top and bottom. I like the chromatic contrast between cool background and the warm image to intensify the figure.
Two gazelles painted in a warm/cool contrast, running over a flowing warm background, with folded, double woven bands top and bottom. The top gazelle is blue with painted red dots for strong color contrast and the bottom gazelle is a compliment, in deep reds with light painted markings. The gesture of running in opposite directions gives a feeling of motion.
I like using mirrored shapes, as in the plant birds and the use of color and scale of top animals to create varietyon the woven surface. I cut out templates from original images and trace around the outline on the fabric and paint the images. On the bird images, I used the raised metallic painted dots to increase dimensional variety with different surface treatments. The painted canvas creates different reflective surfaces in contrast to the flat woven background .
Diagonal painted twill lines running in opposite directions on the two images gives the effect of movement in opposing directions. The top image has curvilinear dark/light bands, with the light bands as a color reference to the wonderful and fantastic antlers. The bottom image displays a fierce and threatening image, with the pointed, sharp barbs and the open mouth, with its snarling teeth bared mouth. The blue/violet centered relief gives a balance of coolness and calm in contrast to the images.
A fantastical playful weaving of mirrored shapes, with the top warm colored goats in head to head and feet to feet mirrors, creating interesting negative shapes between the two. The bottom goats in cool blues and greens are mirrored in bilateral symmetry, with horns and heads mirrored both ways between a blue/violet dividing line.
A cellular painted weaving with flowing circular forms divided by light yellow wool pattern bands, suggestions the genesis of early organic forms.
Dark blue and white painted diamonds touching each other in a graphic play of scale changes and optical illusions.
Woven color changes in a two block pattern weave, with painted circular, elliptical and triangular shaped images in alternating blocks.
A graphic assortment of circular and elliptical shapes in diminishing/expanding forms crossing over to connect to adjacent shapes with bold chromatic changes.
Woven and painted cotton twill fabric and metallic circular discs laminated to fabric patterns and mounted on two canted wood backings
A five block pattern weave with painted metallic hoizontal waves. This weave shows small to large square pattern blocks of color moving to different positions on the fabric.
A folded, double woven relief with raised pockets to receive painted round rods in Blues & Sienna Browns, and various horizontal twill pattern bands.
A folded double weave with woven vertical lines emphasizing vertical movement, and cut acrylic panels inserted into double woven pockets for stability.
A folded, cotton double weave showing woven lines emphasizing horizontal movement.
Folded relief showing various elliptical shapes mirrored on a center line in contrasting,complimentary colors.
A woven, undulating pattern with raised, painted discs following the contour of the pattern weave, creating implied pathways.
Two sections, mounted in opposing arcs with an implied circular rotation, each with it’s own color variation.
Tumbling blocks is a reference to the quilt pattern, named Tumbling Blocks. These woven and painted blocks are a 3d illusion, while the diamond shaped centers are woven in cotton optical patterns. The large triangular shapes and smaller triangles are painted black to give both direction and an inward visual pointing emphasis. The two section weaving is mounted on a painted wood backing.
A two section weaving mounted together as one, depicting painted, planetary constellations in various dimensions.
A wool twill weaving depicting painted 3D illusions of open boxes and cubes with the inside dark woven layers showing through openings in light top layer.
A weaving showing 3D illusions of open box shapes on large metallic painted circles and repeating extended diamond shapes.
A band of repeating double woven cotton patterns separating a pyramid of painted, rising and receding step patterns leading to an enclosed box painted with emerging mythological animals. At opposite end, an illusionary 3D form and an elongated box with more step patterns and other mythological animals emerging. This is a two section work, with the 2nd section wrapping around the corner wall creating similar motifs. The top, culminating in a painted spiraling motif, signifying the dominant sun centered overseer.
Painted square images in size and color changes with various graphic details and separated by loom woven pattern bands.
Red and green circular shapes mirrored on a centered loom woven pattern of repeating circle motifs and large half circular forms bordering center loom woven circles.
A pattern weave with painted wool blocks moving across fabric designating pathways, with blue metallic painted spots emphasizing chromatic changes with background weave.
A pattern weave showing various sizes of painted canvas discs, with four center discs painted red to signify pathways.
A undulating pattern weave showing silver painted metallic spots moving across flat painted background blocks signifying moving pathways.
White fabric paint on a black wool undulating twill pattern weave, with large painted diamonds creating optically moving shapes
Black fabric paint on a white wool undulating twill pattern weave, with large painted diamonds creating optically moving shapes.
A painted 3D illusion of elongated boxes, with the bottom metallic images in mirrored advancing and receding shapes.
A folded, double woven metallic relief with acrylic mirrors inserted into woven pockets, picking up adjacent images and surrounding images of environment. Dyed cords are shaped into elliptical forms and laminated to painted backgrounds.
Four woven parabolas, each with painted, alternating half circles and mounted on raised and painted wood mounts.
A woven, winged shaped sculpture, mounted on four 13 inches x 4 inches painted ellipses, creating a dimension change.